HETA’s freestanding stoves create a cosy atmosphere and become a sculpture in your home. Our freestanding stoves are not only environmentally friendly, but also gorgeous and practical. A freestanding stove heats up any room in your house quickly and efficiently, allowing you to enjoy life at home without having to wrap yourself up in warm sweaters and thick socks.
HETA’s freestanding stoves are available in a variety of heights, depths and widths. We have rotating models, models with a baking oven, models with side windows, ceramic models, sandstone models, soapstone models… in short, whatever you are looking for, we almost certainly have it.
All freestanding stoves from HETA are designed and produced at our factory in Lemvig, Denmark. HETA’s stoves are top-quality products for anyone with an appreciation for Danish design.
All our freestanding stoves undergo a quality check prior to leaving the factory. Furthermore, we provide a full five-year warranty on your HETA stove.
All of HETA’s freestanding stoves have a very high burning value, which means you get more out of your firewood and polluting gases are burned off before escaping into the atmosphere via the chimney.
HETA’s stoves are among the environmentally cleanest burning stoves in Europe. They are tested in relation to applicable rules and standards in Norway, Denmark, Germany as well as the recent harmonised ‘Euro Norm’ standards. HETA’s unique fire chamber and air vents ensure that the amount of CO2 and harmful particles emitted is reduced to an absolute minimum.
HETA’s freestanding stoves are made from European high-quality steel. You can also combine the steel with enamel or ceramic in many different colours, soapstone. sandstone or granite to design your own truly unique stove that is perfect for your living room.
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Company number: 07070234 | VAT Number: 431 566 503.
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Company number: 07070234
VAT Number: 431 566 503.