Ovatio Cast Iron Stove
Ready for the show? You can’t help but be impressed by the outstanding heating capacity and energy efficiency of this stove – not to mention its unique and beautiful design. Standing ovation!
Having a unique style and beautiful performance this new stove from Invicta designed by Bernard Dequet is a great statement for any room offering a 5kw output, defra exempt and ecodesign ready 2022.
For log products, the free 3-year warranty extension is conditional on the product being registered online.
The unit can operate in slow combustion mode for 8 hours without adding more fuel or other external intervention. There will be a bed of embers after this period. This is enough to reload the unit with fuel to relight it.
Secondary air protects the glass against smoke and soot deposits. It ensures combustion of volatile materials. The adjustable secondary air flow can adapt the unit’s operation to high draft conditions.
The clean glass system slows deposit buildup on the glass. An air supply above the glass creates a protective curtain. The preheated air is propelled along the glass. It triggers combustion of gas and volatile materials, thereby protecting the glass against smoke and soot deposits.
The Origin France Garantee is the only certification that certifies a product was manufactured in France. This labeling is validated by an independent organization, after an audit. (Bureau Veritas No.7208672). OFG products are manufactured in France at Invicta Group manufacturing sites.
Injection of pre-heated air into the combustion chamber The supplementary air intake in the back enables hydrocarbons to be destroyed at a high temperature. Complete combustion reduces pollution.
Invicta-Catalogue-Pro-GB-2022-BD-PAP-1.pdf (
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